Second Journalist Killed In Ghotki (Sindh)

FN Threat Data Analysis – August 2024
The Freedom Network (FN) recorded three distinct threat cases against journalists during August 2024, which include:
1 Murder (successful assassination attempt)
2 Detention without formal charges
3 Actual legal action against a journalist
Additionally, a ban on press conferences and meetings at Quetta Press Club has raised concerns about press freedom in Balochistan.
These incidents are documented through the Pakistan Press Club Safety Hubs Network, a program managed by Freedom Network since 2016. The program, in partnership with the five largest press clubs in Pakistan—Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Quetta, Islamabad, and Peshawar—monitors and documents violations against media practitioners and provides support to journalists at risk.


1. Murder (Successful Assassination Attempt)
Journalist: Muhammad Bachal Ghunyo, Sindhi journalist
Date & Location: August 27, 2024, Ghotki, Sindh.
Incident: Over eight gunmen shot and killed Muhammad Bachal Guchen while he was working in his fields in the village of Allah Bakhsh Ghannijo, Ranoti Kacha area. The attackers, hiding in nearby sugarcane fields, fled the scene after confirming his death.
Threat Actor: Criminal Gang
Post-Attack Developments:
1 His body was transported to Taluka Hospital Obaro and later buried in his ancestral village after a large funeral attended by fellow journalists and local residents.
2 Police Response: FIR No. 68/2024 was registered under multiple sections of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). One suspect, Shokat Ghannijo, has been arrested.
3 Cause of Murder: Police reported that the murder was the result of a long-standing community dispute. However, the journalist is believed to have been killed for following the dacoits story in his area.
4 Family’s Position: Guchen brother claims that the journalist had received prior threats and was attacked due to tensions within their community. Despite previous threats, no security was provided.
The family is demanding justice and calling for immediate action against the perpetrators. Guchen leaves behind a widow and five children.

2. Detention (Without Formal Case)
Journalist:: Hayat Khan Khetran, journalist with Hum News
Date & Location: August 28-29, 2024, Barkhan district, Balochistan.
Incident: Hayat Khan was detained by the Frontier Corps (FC) authorities due to his social media posts criticizing the security forces. He was held for 24 hours and interrogated.
Threat Actor: State Actor
Post-Detention Developments:
1 Hayat was released on August 29 without any formal charges or FIR filed against him.
2 Family’s Response: His brother, Hafeezullah, and fellow journalist Nazim Shah confirmed the detention and release. Attempts to contact Hayat have been unsuccessful, as his phone and WhatsApp remain blocked.
3 Current Status: The journalist was freed 24 hours after his detention.


3. Actual Legal Action
Journalist: Khursheed Rajput, journalist from Tando Adam, Sindh
Date & Location: August 9, 2024, Tando Adam, Sindh.
Incident: Khursheed Rajput was allegedly tortured by local police after reporting on the corruption of a senior superintendent of police (SSP). He was subsequently arrested and charged with robbery and illegal possession of weapons—charges that he denies, stating they were fabricated as retaliation for his investigative work.
Threat Actor: State Actor
Post-Arrest Developments:
1 Rajput claims that police also recorded indecent videos during the torture.
2 Legal Proceedings: The Station House Officer (SHO) requested a remand to hold Rajput in police custody, but the civil magistrate denied the remand and ordered that he be sent to jail instead.
3 Current Status: Rajput continues to fight the charges, while efforts to address police misconduct in this case are ongoing.

4. Ban on Press Club Activities
Affected Location: Quetta Press Club
Date: August 2024
Incident: The Deputy Commissioner of Quetta issued a notification banning the holding of conferences and seminars at the Quetta Press Club without prior permission from the district administration. The ban was justified on the grounds of law and order concerns.
Threat Actor: State Actor

1 The press club’s president received the notification, which requires an NOC for any events taking place on premises of the press club.
2 Response from Journalists: The Balochistan Union of Journalists and other journalist organizations have condemned the ban, viewing it as an infringement on press freedom. They argue that this restriction further suppresses free speech in Balochistan.
3 Previous Incident: The Quetta Press Club had already been locked down earlier during a seminar, prompting protests from journalists.
4 Outcome: Protests continue, and journalists are demanding that the district administration reverse the decision to restore full press freedom in the region.
Threat Category

The Freedom Network categorizes threats against journalists into the following categories:
General Threats
Death Threats
Non-Lethal Harm Threats (not related to murder)
Threats of Legal Action (initiated by private parties or the state)
Digital Threats (including defamation and harassment)
Physical Attacks
Murder (successful assassination)
Attempted Murder (survived assassination attempt)
Physical Assault (without injury)
Physical Assault (resulting in injury)
Legal Action (actual civil or criminal cases)

Threat Actors

Threat actors are entities from which threats originate. These include:
State Actors
Non-State Actors
Political Parties
Criminal Gangs
Unknown Sources
In the case of journalist Muhammad Bachal Guchen’s murder, the threat is linked to criminal gangs operating in rural Sindh. In contrast, the detention of another journalist was carried out by the paramilitary force Frontier Corps, categorizing it as an action by state actors. Similarly, the detention, torture, and legal proceedings against a journalist involved the police, placing the threat under the state actor category. The ban on press activities at the Quetta Press Club was sanctioned by the Deputy Commissioner, further associating this threat with state actors.

The documented cases in August 2024 reflect the ongoing challenges and threats faced by journalists in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh and Balochistan. Murder, arbitrary detention, legal harassment, and restrictions on press activities signal a hostile environment for media practitioners. Freedom Network continues to monitor and document these violations, providing critical support to journalists at risk through its safety hubs.

Caption: The family of late journalist Muhammad Bachal Guchen is seen in front of their mud house in this file photo.

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